Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Unemoloyment Benefits

Congress refuses to extend Unemployment Benefits. It is time to have another group of unemployed --US CONGRESS MEMBERS ! ! !

Let Congress look for jobs, in a tight job market. Do you have a job for a former Congress member?

To many Congress members are arrogant, haughty, selfish, high minded, proud, egotistical, big headed (pig headed), self important, condescending conceited, snooty, stuck up and overconfident.

How about that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and President Obama ! If the shoe fits wear it! !

All of the members of the US House are up for rejectiion on November 2nd. , 2010.

1/3rd. of the US Senate members are up for rejection on Nov 02, 2010. Another 1/3rd are up for rejection on November 2nd 2012. The final 1/3rd are up for rejection on November 2, 2014.

Oh, yes President Obama is up for rejection on No9vember 2nd, 2012. We can hardly wait.

When is Nancy Polosi & Harry Reed up for rejecion? Sure hope they get rejected.The Obama-Pelosi-Reed agenda is bankrupting America - kick them out ! ! !

Lets ALL work togather and get this job done, VOTE THEM ALL OUT ! !!

That sure will break up the "Good Oldf Boy Network". It is about time ! ! !

Spread the word around. Add the following address to all of your e-mails:
http://RejectionDay.blogspot.com Text it on your cell phone ! ! Every one needs to know! ! !

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nov. 2, 2010 Is Rejection Day

Nov. 2, 2010 is Rejection Day for all of the US House members and 1/3rd of the US Senate members.

It is long past time for the US Congress members to work for us instead of Mexico, Japan,
China, OPEC and others.

The so called "Free Trade" stinks. It simply means that other countries are free to rip us off ! !
What we must have is "Fair and Balanced Trade".

It is time to resend all of our trade agreements and tell all the other countries that the "Free Ride" is over. We will have "Fair and Ballanced Trade", or no trade at all.

We all know about the Boston Tea Party. You know when the Eglilsh tea was thrown overboard at Boston in protest of England's taxation without representation.

It is long past time to get control of our borders, or shut them down. We are sick and tired of illegal imeregation. The USA has been under invasion for far too long!

We hire C0ngress and they work for everyone except us. Time to fire them all. That will change Congress and America forever ! ! !

Lets pull together and get this job done ! !

If you are mad about unemployment, the national debt, Obama Care and the trade deficit, e-mail this to everyone: http//:RejectionDay.BlogSpot.Com

Nov. 2 Is